Meeting your needs

Expertise in developing oral care technologies and personal care products.

Got an idea?

We provide specialised oral care design, development, prototyping, and manufacturing expertise to Oral Care companies focusing on meeting consumer needs in oral care hygiene and new healthcare technologies.

With an established track record in oral care we have a deep understanding and knowledge of consumer needs matched with design expertise from filament technology, plastic moulding techniques, ergonomics and retail packaging design.  

Consumer needs

  • Global trends in oral care.
  • New product design and engineering development.
  • Market and consumer research for targeted product design.
  • Value engineering and advanced mass manufacturing techniques.

Design expertise:

  • Industrial design.
  • Plastics & nylon technology.
  • Electronics & software design.
  • Mechanical engineering.
  • Ergonomics & Human factors.
  • Prototyping and sampling.
  • FMCG manufacturing techniques.

Design management:

  • New Product development Strategy.
  • Market and field research.
  • Intellectually property planning.
  • Design validation, testing & analysis. 

Our D2M™ system of design, development and manufacture integrates with developing innovative new products for the oral care market. 

For a confidential, no obligation discussion so we can understand your needs, what you’re looking for, how we can help and the advantages of using our skills and resources.

Let's talk